Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Levi Johnson, Bristol Palin's baby daddy, cashes in on fame

Levi Johnson drives me crazy. Name doesn't ring a bell? He's the former fiance and baby daddy to Bristol Palin, teen mom and daughter of former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Since breaking off their engagement earlier this year, Levi has been cashing in. He has been on talk shows such as Tyra Banks and the Today show discussing his views on whether or not Palin will run for president in 2012 and criticizing the Palins' actions. For example, supposedly the Palins were not allowing Levi to visit their son Tripp. How do we know this? Because Levi went on TV talk shows talking about it. His mom has even gone on TV discussing Palin family drama.

I didn't realize this until just moments ago, that Levi did a photo shoot for GQ magazine posing shirtless with son Tripp.

Oh, yes, according to msnbc.com, Levi said he noticed Palin seemed stressed out when he still lived with the Palins. He said he didn't see that sparkle in her eye. Let me no forget to mention that he mentioned he was unsure if he would vote for her if she ran for President. AND he said Palin probably resigned because she would be able to make more money with million dollar-plus book deals than serving as Alaska's governor.

Levi needs to SHUT UP! Ok, perhaps you don't get along with the Palins anymore but this is YOUR baby's family. You can't riducule the mother of your child in public. Don't discuss your sex life on Tyra Banks! Your child doesn't need this. There's already the complication of your baby not living in a home where both parents do not reside there. Levi, stay quiet. Avoid interviews. Just like you passed on doing a reality show with you, Bristol and Tripp, you need to pass up on show ideas, book deals and more. SHUT UP!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

(Please note I wrote this a while back, so it may not be as timely.)

Ah, yes, Jon and Kate Plus 8. I have had many people talk to me about how much they love that show.

"I love that show. The kids are so cute."

I have watched only a few episodes...most of the time channel surfing during the show because when I did watch it, it made me cringe (and the thought of bearing eight children made me want to cross my legs twice)

The times I watched the show, I could see Jon and Kate were headed for trouble in paradise (if they ever were in paradise). I actually felt sorry for Jon. When I heard and saw the latest celebrity gossip web sites and magazines such as US Weekly, I wasn't surprised.

Why wasn't I surprised? Because Kate is the No. 1 nagging wife. The reasons I would quickly turn the channel when I actually wasted my time watching the show was when Kate would yell (or scream) at Jon.


I recall hearing that line when the family visited the Crayola museum. Kate insisted the kids wear nice clothes. She would scream, "OH MY GOD! THIS IS SO MESSY!" Um, yeah, kids get messy! I don't have kids, but my friends have kids. They are dirty.

Oh, yes, another time, she actually told him, "Yeah, that was a little premature what you did there, Jon."

From what I have observed, Kate talks down to Jon. She gives him no respect. Oh yes, I love the times, (please note my sarcasm) when she hits Jon.

I have read in a few magazines that Kate would criticize Jon when she could hear him breathing. I recall sitting on my couch dumbfounded after hearing the bitchy things she could tell Jon.

So, no, I was not AT ALL surprised when I heard and read the gossip.

I am not saying it is officially ALL of Kate's fault but a good chunk of it. I tell people, "You never know what goes on behind closed doors." Who knows...perhaps Jon is lazy or unhelpful or not very nice to his wife.

I do understand that having eight kids while trying to manage a marriage AND household AND finances could be stressful, but you can be nice about it.

I think the show can teach us what NOT to do when married. Don't be mean. You can express anger in a calm fashion. Watch your tone. If your spouse does something to cause you upset, tell him/her yet you can be sweet about it. Don't call your spouse names. Respect your spouse even when you may not like him/her at the moment.

I think an important thing to remember is when your spouse does something good like clean the house without your asking or opens the door for you, praise him/her. Show your appreciation.

Be nice. No one likes a bitch (or a prick)!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rod Blagojevich's Plays Media Whore-This Time on Stage

Oh, Rod Blagojevich! You just have to flaunt your idiotic self and stupid hair for everyone to see. You have to sell out after attempting to sell a U.S. Senate seat.

If you haven't heard all ready, Blagojevich guest-starred in "Rod Blagojevich Superstar", a Jesus Christ Superstar parody and Secondy City production, which is playing at the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre. (What's so Shakespearean about this production?!)

The former governor was removed from office in January and pled not guilty to federal corruption charges. According to an Associated Press article, he appeared on stage wearing a suit and tie.

"Where were you when I was impeached?" he asked the audience.

The AP article also states Blagojevich was able to plug NBC's "I'm a Celebrity...Get me out of here", on which his wife, Patti, is a contestant. He asked the audience to vote to keep her on the show, which asks viewers which celebrity should leave a Costa Rican jungle.

The article pointed out that Blagojevich said "In the tradition of Chicago politics, you can vote ten times," Blagojevich joked. "Vote early and often."

Okay, can this couple just SHUT UP AND DIE?! Seriously. I recall when news broke at the beginning of 2009 that the FBI had recordings of Blagojevich trying to sell Obama's vacated seat. You would think that a person in the right mind would just stay low for a while and not make any public appearances. Since Blagojevich is a freakin' idiot, he paraded himself countless times in front of the camera.

I mean come on, most of us admit that we have done stupid stuff (perhaps relationship/career/social life-ending mistakes)-of course probably not as major as what the former governor did, but afterwards we stay low for a bit, express remorse and eat some humble pie.

When guest-starring, Blagojevich joked about being corrupt and cheating the residents of Illinois. I am sure the audience roared with laughter. I would have done the opposite. I would have heckeled(sp?) him. I would have thrown whatever I could find in my purse(dirty tissues, feminine products) at him. I would have screamed at the top of my lungs yelling things such as "YOU DESERVE TO GO TO PRISON FOR WHAT YOU DID! LAY LOW OR DIE!" BOO HISS!

If Rod and Patti Blagojevich are readng this right now, I have this to say to them:
"Governor and Mrs. Blagojevich, what you two did was WRONG. The only publicity you guys deserve is when you are found guilty for corruption and sent to prison or if you get arrested for disorderly conduct or a DUI. Don't go on D-list celebrity reality shows. Don't go on talk shows joking about attempting to screw over the election process. If you haven't done so already, examine yourselves and figure out why the heck the governor was impeached. There's a damn good reason. Please hide out. Lay low. Live like hermits."

Besides, if the Blagojevichs take my advice, this would be the perfect opportunity for the former governor to fire his hairstylist and find a new hairdo.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why I want to Punch Speidi in the Face!

Oh, My God! It's Heidi and Spencer shopping!

Who the hell cares?!

Look! It's Heidi and Spencer at the beach!

And why are they famous? Because they are on The Hills!

Please, I challenge, blog readers! Tell me what Heidi and Spencer, aka Speidi, has done to contribute to society besides being famous for....well...being famous.

Do they do anything besides flaunt themselves in front of the camera? Come on, doesn't Spencer lie on the couch all day?

And that wedding! Oh, please! I remember watching shows such as E! News and supposedly Ryan Seacrest did a phone interview with Spencer. Spencer actually talked about Heidi doing a dance for him to her own music CD. You see, the couple "whores" themselves where ever there is publicity.

I recall seeing a clip from The Tyra Banks show and of course, Speidi was given the time of day. The couple said they considered international adoption in the future. Spencer mentioned possibily adopting an African baby and said something about the baby's "booty" in a somewhat sexual way. What a f**king idiot?! Spencer, don't even open your mouth!

This is what bothers me about pop culture today. People are famous for no reason except for being celebrities. It seems like these days you will get publicity for making a sex tape or allegedly killing your wife (Drew Petersen was a guest on a radio show which held a contest for listeners to win a date with Petersen).

Perhaps I can be famous! Maybe I can wear a tiny bikini and audition for American Idol. Oh, better yet...I can make a sex tape with Screech from Saved by the Bell!

If you want to be famous, do something useful like sing, act or dance. Also, you can write, have your own public access show or make youtube videos. At least you're doing something to deserve fame and recognition.